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Your Style Board

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Potential clients choose a therapist based on several criteria: location, gender, age, education, experience, specialities and methods.  


However, a website with good design is essential in making that all-important first impression on your potential clients. This design will ensure they quickly get who you are and what you do, and recognise you as their best fit.


To create a good design, layout, colours, fonts, graphics and images all play a role in creating a "look" or "brand" that best reflects your personality and that of your practice.


The simple questionnaire we use to create your Style Board captures elements that help us create your brand personality, and this forms the basis for the look and feel of your site.   

Get your free Style Board now

Brand Story


Therapists often ask "Do I need a brand?" The simple answer to this is that you already have (or are) a brand!


A brand is not a logo nor a fancy tagline.  A brand is simply a way for people to get a mental picture of who you are, that they find easy to store in their memories.


Many therapists have let years go by without investing in creating their brand.  This can leave them exposed to misinterpretation or incorrect impressions of themselves, and these can be passed on to others.   


We believe that, as a therapist, your prospective clients should have a very clear perception of who you are. That's what you brand is. We will help you define your brand so that you and your existing and prospective clients can benefit from it.


Prospective clients will come to see you because, thanks to your brand, they will know, like and trust you.  We will help achieve this process through implementing a Brand Story on your website. This is a tried and tested format for building trust based on an honest representation of you.  We will send you a questionnaire to help us craft your Brand Story


Completing your Brand Story will lead to the writing of your website copy (all the text and subject matter of your site).  You are obviously the only person who can write this copy but don't worry, we will guide you to creating the perfect copy for your site.  We will send you a set of instructions that will guide you through all the sections of your website, with tips and advice for each section.


Writing good copy is extremely important so that your potential clients recognise you as their best-fit therapist.  It is also essential in terms of getting found on Google search (SEO). 


Site Build


Colours, fonts, pictures, graphics and copy are crafted into an easy-to-navigate website that makes the visitor feel relaxed and welcome, and keeps them interested.


When a potential client is reaching out for help, taking the step of contacting you can be daunting. The structure of your site will make it easier for them to contact you.


Your new website will be fully responsive which means adapted for viewing on PC, laptop, tablet and mobile devices.  This will make you more accessible to potential clients searching for help. Furthermore, responsive websites rank higher in Search Engine results, helping more clients to find you.


Your Website Service includes:

  • Insertion of your Style Board elements.

  • Website structure and layout, up to 7 pages (Home, About, Services, Contact, Blog, etc).

  • Social media links.

  • Two rounds of revisions (see revisions guide here).

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